A little about me: education & experience

I graduated in 2014 with a 1:1 BA in Art History/Italian from the University of Birmingham.  My studies enriched my understanding, perception and analysis of all things visual in relation to culture and enhanced my own art work. I also came to appreciate the importance of learning languages and the nuances of not just Italian, but also my own mother tongue.

Since University I moved to Mexico to work with The Yansa Group (yansa.org) and the indigenous community of Ixtepec, Oaxaca to facilitate the creation of the first community-led, community-owned utility-scale wind farm in Latin America.

Interests & skills

My interests broadly span, but not exlusively consist of: community energy organising, climate change issues & social and environmental justice, intersectional feminism, art therapy and mental health.

My skills & hobbies include: manual digital photography, text-based translation, fluent Italian language, intermediate Spanish language, GIMP & Inkscape, drawing, acrylic painting & collage, design, meditaton and dancing.